以下信息若有变动,请回复并@天路 。
Chinese Evangelical Alliance Church of Toronto
145 Sparks Ave, Toronto ON M2H 2S5
Phone: (416)773-0313
Fax: (416)773-0343
李经寰牧师 Rev. Dr. Daniel Lee
Email: info@ceact.ca
Website: www.ceact.ca
丘珮蓝女士 Ms. Betty Chang
李经寰牧师 Rev. Dr. Daniel Lee
毛历辛传道 Pastor Morris Mao
Cornerstone Chinese Alliance Church
4757 14th Ave, Markham ON L3S 3K3
Phone: (905)477-4887
Fax: (905)477-4889
黄晓军牧师 Rev. Brian Wong
Email: office@ccac.church
Website: www.ccac.church
陈楚文牧师 Rev. Dr. Joe Chan
邓国韬牧师 Rev. Daniel Tang
曾景庸传道 Pastor Darren Tsang
黄晓军牧师 Rev. Brian Wong
源健文传道 Pastor Anthony Yuen
East Toronto Mandarin Alliance Church
1490 Birchmount Raod, Scarborough ON M1P 2E3
Mailing Address: Unit 100 - 2220 Midland Ave, Scarborough ON M1P 3E6
Phone: (416)299-8867
Fax: (416)299-8867
杨跃敏传道 Pastor Andy Yue Min Yang
Email: etmachurch@gmail.com
Website: www.etmac.ca
陈若薇传道 Pastor Ivy Milanowski
杨跃敏传道 Pastor Andy Yue Min Yang
张德忠传道 Pastor Dale Zhang
East York Chinese Alliance Church
662 Pape Ave, Toronto ON M4K 3S5
Mailing Address: 306 Riverdale Ave., Toronto ON M4J 1A2
Phone: (416)778-9980
邱树华牧师 Rev. Andrew Hoa Khuu
Email: andrewhoakhuu@hotmail.com
邱树华牧师 Rev. Andrew Hoa Khuu
Glory Mandarin Alliance Church
3601 Victoria Park Ave., Unit 201A, Scarborough ON M1W 3Y3
Phone: (416)490-9889
Fax: (416)490-9889
黄大卫传道 Pastor David Huang
黄大卫传道 Pastor David Huang
Hakka Alliance church
135 Silver Star Blvd., Scarborough ON M1V 4V8
Phone: (416)432-7106
李昌炬传道 Pastor Clifford Li
Email: hac@hakkaac.org
Website: www.hakkaac.org
李昌炬传道 Pastor Clifford Li
Markham Chinese Alliance Church
1 Chatelaine Dr., Markham ON L3S 3S9
Phone: (905)201-6344
Fax: (905)201-9344
陈伟业牧师 Rev. Amos Chan
Email: office@markhamcac.com
Website: www.markhamcac.com
陈伟业牧师 Rev. Amos Chan
万永翔传道 Pastor Timothy Wan
Mississauga Carmel Mandarin Alliance Church
5725 Terry Fox Way, Mississauga ON L5V 3E3
Phone: (905)501-0023
Fax: (905)501-1652
江昭扬牧师博士 Rev. Dr. Solomon Chiang
Email: contact@mcmac.ca
Website: www.mcmac.ca
陈惠安传道 Pastor Jeffery Chan
江昭扬牧师博士 Rev. Dr. Solomon Chiang
施勇传道 Pastor Patrick Yong Shi
Mississauga Chinese Alliance Church
5710 Kennedy Rd., Mississauga ON L4Z 1T1
Phone: (905)712-9202
Fax: (905)712-3806
伍福民牧师 Rev. Joshua Ng
Email: office@mcacon.org
Website: www.mcacon.org
许佐倩传道 Pastor Pauline Hsu
李刘美珍传道 Pastor Faith Lee
马天俊传道 Pastor John Mah
伍福民牧师 Rev. Joshua Ng
鲍福群牧师 Rev. Franklin Pyles
杜欧丽梅 Ms Grace To
New Covenant Alliance Church
1490 Birchmount Road, Scarborough ON M1P 2E3
Phone: (416)288-1770/288-0158
薛治平牧师 Rev. Simon Sit
Email: office@ncac.ca
Website: www.ncac.ca
雷笑薇姊妹 Ms Shirley Louie
岑唯信牧师 Rev. Dr. Vinson Samuel
薛治平牧师 Rev. Simon Sit
Newmarket Chinese Alliance Church
800 Davis Drive, Newmarket ON L3Y 2R5
Mailing Address: P.O.Box 93128,1111Davis Dr., Newmarket ON L3Y 8K3
Phone: (416)800-8116
杨实君牧师 Rev. Paul Yang
Email: cac.newmarket@yahoo.ca
Website: www.newmarketcac.com
杨实君牧师 Rev. Paul Yang
North Toronto Chinese Alliance Church
11221 Bayview Ave., Richmond Hill ON L4S 1L8
Phone: (905)883-6773
闻伟雄牧师 Rev. Stan Man
Email: office@ntcac.ca
Website: www.ntcac.ca
陈凤冬传道 Pastor Alice Chen
朱伟东牧师 Rev. Jonathan Chu
Pastor Bryan Fletcher
Pastor Samuel Kim
李士弘牧师 Rev. Benson Li
罗祖澄牧师 Rev. Bobby Lo
闻伟雄牧师 Rev. Stan Man
彭孙伟牧师 Rev. Roland Pang
唐玮泽传道 Pastor Sarah Tang
曾林静娴主任 Ms Christina Tsang
North York Mandarin Alliance Church
3325 Victoria Park Ave, Scarborough ON M1W 2R8
Phone: (416)222-0981
Fax: (416)222-0980
王春安牧师 Rev. Dr. Chun-An Wang
Email: barnabaspastor@msn.com
Website: www.nymac.ca
王春安牧师 Rev. Dr. Chun-An Wang
Oakville Creekside Alliance Church
156 Third Line, Oakville ON L6L 3Z8
Mailing Address: 222 Howell Rd., Oakville ON L6H 5Y7
Phone: (289)837-4942
高路牧师 Rev. Luke Gao
Email: contact@ocacweb.ca
Website: www.ocacweb.ca
高路牧师 Rev. Luke Gao
Rexdale Alliance Church Chinese Worship
2459 Islington Ave., Rexdale ON M9W 3X9
Phone: (416)741-1110×2316
Fax: (416)741-8043
陈慧华传道 Pastor Susanna Tan
Email: susanna@rexdalealliance.org
Website: www.rexdalealliance.org
陈慧华传道 Pastor Susanna Tan
Richmond Hill Mandarin Alliance Church
75 Oxford Street, Richmond Hill ON L4C 4L6
Mailing Address: 298 John Street, P.O. Box 87570, Thornhill ON L3T 5W0
Phone: (416)399-5731
余东海牧师 Rev. Tung Hoi Yu
Email: rmhmac@gmail.com
Website: www.rmhmac.ca
韩东传道 Pastor Dong Han
余东海牧师 Rev. Tung Hoi Yu
Scarborough Chinese Alliance Church
139 Silver Star Blvd., Scarborough ON M1V 4V8
Phone: (416)754-3308
Fax: (416)754-3284
赵善基牧师 Rev. Matthew Chiu
Email: info@scac.org
Website: www.scac.org
陈耀基传道 Pastor Stephen Chan
赵善基牧师 Rev. Matthew Chiu
朱志辉牧师 Rev. Albert Chu
李振中牧师 Rev. Jones Lee
李伟明牧师 Rev. Stephen Lee
李利民传道 Pastor Lily Li
吴恩海牧师 Rev. Ocean Ng
柯永聪牧师 Rev. Samuel Or
翁志崙牧师 Rev. Aaron Owen
潘何其敏牧师 Rev. Kim Poon
黄以美传道 Pastor Amy Wong
黄文超牧师博士 Rev. Dr. Wilson Wong
Scarborough Community Alliance Church
135 Silver Star Blvd., Scarborough ON M1V 4V8
Phone: (416)754-1094
Fax: (416)754-3784 Email: admin@scommac.org
Website: www.scommac.org
李建新牧师 Rev. Victor Lee
Scarborough Mandarin Alliance Church
Worship@, 30 Ingleton Blvd, Scarborough ON M1V 3H7
Mailing Address: 3838 Midland Ave, Unit 114, Scarborough ON M1V 5K5
Phone: (416)909-2588
张谦牧师 Rev. Peter Zhang
Email: pastorpeter.smac@gmail.com
Website: www.smachurch.org
李楚尧牧师 Rev. Thomas Lee
张谦牧师 Rev. Peter Zhang
Toronto Chinese Alliance Church
77 First Ave., Toronto ON M4M 1W7
Phone: (416)461-2907
Fax: (416)461-0113
Email: info@tcaconline.org
Website: www.tcaconline.org
朱亲贤传道 Pastor Jody Chu
福特传道 Pastor Annette Ford
福特牧师 Rev. Stephen Ford
娄志翔传道 Pastor Peter Lau
Mr. Sam Lee
吴继光牧师 Rev. Kai-Kwong Ng
Toronto Christian Alliance Church
602 Queen Street West, Toronto ON M6J 1E3
Mailing Address: PO BOX 47026 STC, Scarborough ON M1P 4Z7
Phone: (416)871-3602
何君华牧师 Rev. Kwan Wa Ho
Email: torontochristian@gmail.com
何君华牧师 Rev. Kwan Wa Ho
张静传道 Pastor Jing Zhang
Toronto Grace Alliance Church
311 Wilson Heights Blvd., Toronto ON M3H 2V3
Phone: (416)398-3115
Fax: (416)398-3115
马桂豪牧师 Rev. Paul Kiet Ma
Email: tgcac@rogers.com
Youtube频道: 点击这里
黎安传道 Pastor An Le
马桂豪牧师 Rev. Paul Kiet Ma
Toronto Jaffray Chinese Alliance Church
9950 Sheppard Ave. E., Scarborough ON M1B 5R6
Phone: (416)282-2063
Fax: (416)282-4693
Email: office@tjcac.org
Website: www.jaffraychurch.org
黄信杰传道 Pastor James Huang
Pastor Ken Kim
伍梓培传道 Pastor Gabriel Ng
Toronto Simpson Chinese Alliance Church
200 Commander Blvd., Scarborough ON M1S 3C8
Phone: (416)299-3855
Fax: (416)299-3697
陈柏钧传道 Rev. Pak Chan
Email: contact@tscac.org
Website: www.tscac.org
陈柏钧传道 Rev. Pak Chan
李尹丽女传道 Pastor Alice Li
李大治传道 Pastor David Li
Toronto Simpson Mandarin Alliance Church
200 Commander Blvd., Scarborough ON M1S 3C8
Phone: (416)299-3855
Fax: (416)299-3697
陈福林传道 Pastor Fulin Chen
Email: contact@tsmac.org
Website: www.tsmac.ca
陈福林传道 Pastor Fulin Chen
Zion Alliance Church
2830 Highway 7E, Markham ON L3R 0J4
Phone: (905)479-6058
Fax: (905)479-6064
程子信牧师 Rev. Dr. Jackson Ching
Email: office@zioncma.ca
Website: www.zioncma.ca
张惠琴传道 Pastor Winnie Cheung
程子信牧师 Rev. Dr. Jackson Ching
Rev. Nouhoum Coulibaly
林陈宝君牧师 Rev. Philippa Lam
刘俊业传道 Pastor Jacky Lau
邓伟光传道 Pastor Joseph Tang
Alliance Bible Seminary Centre of Canada
80 Acadia Ave., Suite 208, Markham ON L3R 9V1
Phone: (905)477-8337/(416)800-6071
Fax: (905)477-2856
陆超明博士 Rev. Dr. Chiu Ming Luk
Email: general@abscc.org
Website: www.abscc.org
郑美聪女士 Ms Rita Cheng
锺蔡小真女士 Mrs. Christina Chung
陆超明博士 Rev. Dr. Chiu Ming Luk
Alliance Global Serve Canada
812 - 75 Dalhouse Street, Toronto ON M5B 2R9
Phone: (604)328-3143
李灿辉牧师 Rev. Joseph Li
Email: info.ca@alliancegs.org
Website: www.alliancegs.org
陈简凤萍传道 Pastor Fiona Kan
刘景华牧师 Rev. Hugo Lau
罗志明牧师 Rev. Xavier Law
李灿辉牧师 Rev. Joseph Li
黄可顺牧师 Rev. Dr. Andrew Wong
Canadian Chinese Alliance Churches Association
80-E, Nashdene Rd, Unit 223 - 228, Scarborough ON M1V 5E4
Phone: (416)918-8895
邓广华牧师 Rev. Dr. Aaron Tang
Email: office@ccaca.org
Website: www.ccaca.org
陈昱传道 Pastor Angel Chan
陈谦亮牧师 Rev. Joseph Chan
郝继勇牧师 Rev. Dr. Joe Kok
林伟良牧师 Rev. Leonard Lam
梁伟光牧师 Rev. Nelson Leung
潘登牧师 Rev. David Pan
邓广华牧师 Rev. Dr. Aaron Tang
余东海牧师 Rev. Tung Hoi Yu
翁伟霖牧师 Rev. William Yung
The Christian and Missionary Alliance in Canada
30 Carrier Drive, Suite 100, Toronto ON M9W 5T7
Phone: (416) 674-7878
Email: info@cmacan.org
张福成牧师博士 Rev. Dr. Jonathan Teo
张黎璐德师母 Mrs. Ruth Teo
以上信息整理自 多伦多华人福音教牧同工团契通讯录 2022 Toronto Chinese Evangelical Ministerial Fellowship Directory 2022 http://www.tcemf.org/Directory/TCEMFDirectoryPublic.pdf